Thursday, November 20, 2008

Organic Chemistry

This is the legend of Organic Chemistry.

King Triton, the son of Poseidon, Son of some woman, Son of Zeus, son of whoever else was visiting the beautiful shores of a little known city called La Jolla. There he found a quaint little site where he decided he would encourage the learning of students from far and wide of all different backgrounds. So he set up his family and his sons each taught one subject. However, one was especially troublesome. He would not abide by his fathers rules and insisted on making things difficult. His name was Kimicus Organicus Dickfaceikus and would later come to be known by many nicknames that would strike fear into the hearts of Science Majors of a particular type. Only those most interested in health, chemistry, or any similar endeavor. King Triton quickly learned of the shortcomings of this sun and attempted to banish him to the depths of the earth, but he would not go. Kimicus was growing powerful and new places for him were emerging and soon his power was so great it surpassed that of King Triton. Using his untold power he now controls to the lives of many of those who seek education at this beautiful city by the bay and he has forever frozen his father into a rather ridiculous looking statue that receives maybe twelve visitors per week. Below you can see King Triton in his diminished glory and read stories about Kimicus, whom students loathe, hunting down the smart and inflicting pain upon their GPAs.

I had straight As and then i got a C in ochem.

I had a 3.9 and after that C in orgo i wont go to med school.

I was doing so well but after organic chemistry i just hit a wall.

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