Sunday, October 5, 2008

Part Two

It was my idea. I don’t know why anyone would blame them. I was the ring leader, the one that convinced them. We had been together our whole lives gone through every hardship together stuck together through the thick and thin. There is no way they could have said know. Maybe knowing that made me feel more empowered. What is it that we did? Well it was nothing. That’s not what’s important. Let’s talk about why we’re here.
They don’t really care why we’re here. I know people and people don’t care about the why. They care about the how the where, but the reason they like to make up for themselves. We should just let them come up with their own reasons. Only we need to know the reason that we did this. The reason is honestly because we can, because we’re brothers who were stuck in an eternal struggle, but who found a solution. What a brilliant solution it was too.
Actually technically it was a series of solutions to a series of simple problems. We didn’t like deduce the solution to string theory or anything just made good decisions at all the right times. In fact in retrospect our actions could probably have been deduced by using Game theory or some other form of mathematical analysis. Then again they never knew we were coming or what hit them. Who would have ever suspected us of doing something like that. I mean we were quiet never drew attention ourselves and exemplary students except maybe Daryll here.
Hey what the hell is that supposed to mean? I am just as legit as all y’all. Just ‘cause y’all planned this shit doesn’t mean that I couldn’t. I had a different upbringing alright. Besides I found the way to the place where I need to be. I did it to make my momma proud. She loved me so much, she loved everyone and she just wanted everyone to be loved equally by everyone. It’s not her fault they were crazy. It’s their fault for what happened to them though. They shoulda never taken her away. She was mine and no one else’s. Why did they have to take her away? I never woulda done this if they hadn’t taken everything that had meaning away from me. I will never look back on that shit. I don’t regret what I did.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Reality: a word defined to be the state or quality of being real, but does reality really exist? Is it just an ever distance concept that we pretend is true just so we can escape it? Is it running from us, just a little faster so that it appears to be within our grasp, but in fact is just beyond it? Is reality a tease or a steady companion that makes everything sure, true solid? The truth is reality is at once all of these thing and none of these things. Reality is a figment of our greater inability to live with the fact that our entire being, our entire existence is just one long played out fantasy where we are the ultimate winners and the ultimate losers. Reality is the ever fleeting existence that we search for, an existence where everything makes sense, an existence where there is black and white, an existence where we have a purpose that is greater than ourselves. Unfortunately, no such existence exists to we are left to fantasize that we are working for the greater good, while ultimately doing things solely for our own advancement, our own need to feel like we're needed.

Think about it. Every person in the world is self sufficient, every person is capable of fending for themselves. Even beggars have found a way to sustain their existence, thought their methods may be different than that of say a doctor or a lawyer, they are able to survive. They don't need the fancy cars and fancy homes they are content living the life they have with what they can get doing no work. So while we feel that we are helping them by giving them money we are just helping ourselves make it to some fantastic afterlife where everything will be resolved and we will go forth into bliss. The truth is Heaven or Hell, Reincarnation or just a putrid rotting mess we are all destined for death, a time when our existence ends and the fantasy ends and the truth is we don't know whether reality awaits at the end of the long winding road. We pretend like we're important, but we're not. We're just another tool, another method for someone else to survive and live our their fantasy and in helping the other person live our their fantasy we are living out our own fantasy that we are helping them.

So I say again reality is defined to be the state of being real and I ask what is real?