Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Me being superior

The sunset gleamed off the tranquil blue that resonated all around. The ground below me swayed rythmically and I found myself calmed and I felt my mind wander. Laying there in tranqulity I couldn't help but think about all the things that I had missed out on. I have spent so many sleepless nights day dreaming and wasted so many days sleeping and now sitting here afloat the traveling to no particular end i find myself more at home than every before. I can sleep when I want, dream when I'm awake and think when I'm tired. Such is the life of a man who passes indiscrimnately through without a care for right, wrong, morality and other such vices that seem to ties us down. Let us take this moment to remember all those like us whoare so able to lay there and just ponder exsitence, to who money doesn't matter because we're too busy being on our high horses being intelligent and all. Let's face it, I am smarter than you.

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